Friday, August 19, 2005

How much you know me?

Hey guys/gals,

Here are a list of things many people do not know about me, but they are no secrets, people who know me well usually know these, including many of my students.

So, let's see if you can answer them, if you can answer at least 7 questions, I will give you a reward..perhaps a piece of cheese cake at Secret Recipe (hmm..just eat there yesterday evening, nice cake) or just belanja you makan la....!! Closing date is...hmmm...when I say it is closed.

Q1: What is my most favourite food?

Q2: Which is my most favourite field of study?
[hint: not necessary the one that I have studied most]

Q3: Who is my most favourite scientist?
[hint: related to Q2]

Q4: Who is my most fovourite singer?
[hint: he is long dead]

Q5: Which is my most favourite TV series?

Q6: What is my most favourite magazine?
[hint: there are more than one, just name one]

Q7: Which story book (more than 500 pages) I have finished reading in the last 10 years?

Q8: Which technical book I have read front-to-back more than once?
[hint: quite a few books, just name one]

Q9: What is the name of the programing language and compiler that I wrote my first paid program?

Q10: How much hard disk space in the first PC I owned?

...more questions in the future.



At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a pity.. no one bothered to answer (here are some answers)

Q1 : Something hot and sweet

Q4 : The King

Q5 : To boldly go where no man has gone before


Q8 : The RED Book

Will leave the rest for others

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Neowhale said...

Gosh, I can't even get 3 :(

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q1: What is my most favourite food?
something u like

Q2: Which is my most favourite field of study?

Q3: Who is my most favourite scientist?
albert einstein

Q4: Who is my most fovourite singer?
elvis presley

Q5: Which is my most favourite TV series?
english series

Q6: What is my most favourite magazine?
playboy...? xD (joking...)

Q7: Which story book (more than 500 pages) I have finished reading in the last 10 years?
harry potter

Q8: Which technical book I have read front-to-back more than once?
some technical book

Q9: What is the name of the programing language and compiler that I wrote my first paid program?
something old

Q10: How much hard disk space in the first PC I owned?
less than 1mb

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well u got ur pity answers now.. hopefully u will be satisfied..

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:((... why ppl so nasty to my blog...:(

I still experimenting this blog thing mah, have some mercy la...

Some of you answered quite a few questions right..except the "sooo smart" fellow who answered ZERO questions right, I think his brain is just positioned wrongly 3 or 4 feets (depending on his height) downward...pity him..

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... actually I know nothing of your favourite >.<|||

Because I barely know you...

But I know you like to do things that you do not hate... ha.a!!!

so I think that answer had already answer more then half the questions... so when can I get my free meal? =P


At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me try and if i get the most answers correct pls email me my cheecake or paste it on the board so we can all share it!
Q4.Elvis Presley -it makes me wonder why!?? Hmmmm perhaps deep within u , u want to be idolised like Elvis!Long Live YP!
Q5.I wonder if u hv time to watch TV at all but if u do maybe "Amazing Race" the "Mole" or "Survivor" or Fear Factor.
Q6.National Geographic
Q7.Tales fr the Dark Side
Q8.Some programming book
Q10. 100 MB

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Neowhale said...

Nice, u also have a ad now ..kikikih

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no tips meh? I can only answer 3 question only.. and that is not necessarily right...

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. ypwong's blog kena spam by spambot. kekeke....

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on, review answers

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Odin Cards said...

Q2: Astronomy
Q3: Copernicus
Q4: Elvis Presley
Q10: 20MB

At 9:48 PM, Blogger YP said...

ok, ok, answers would be out soon...

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the answer that you promised?


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